I am very proud and excited that Elena from Elenastravelblog has nominated me the Sunshine Blogger Award.
It’s good to know that my blog is able to inspire others. The main reason for setting up this blog was to share my stories/experiences with the rest of the world. So good to know they also inspire others. Head over to Elena’s blog to read her amazing stories.
What is the Sunshine Blogger Award exactly?
The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers who “are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere“.
Rules to the Sunshine Blogger Award
- Thank the blogger for nominating your blog and post a link back to their blog
- Answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
- Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 questions to answer
- Notify your nominees and
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.
So now the boring part is out of the way. I will answer the amazing questions coming from Elenastravelblog.
1. What is your most favorite place you’ve ever been?
Unfortunately it is only one place so than it will be definitely the Amazon rain forest in Peru. I love nature and the hikes, adventures, and animals I saw in this rain forest is amazing. It has been now 8 years ago I have visited this place, and I still feel lucky that I saw all the wonderful things that a rain forest has to offer you.
2. What is the most amazing thing you’ve seen while travelling?
I have seen so many things during travelling which are all amazing. But I think if I am only allowed to choose one, than it would be the fact that I was part of a traditional wedding in Ghana. Seeing this wedding, end up as being the best man for the groom is awkward but in the end also amazing.

Wedding in Ghana
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
At the moment I would say Taiwan. I love the East Asian culture, it is a city that has everything and it is close to the beach and an easy way to go out for hiking. However hiking regulations are changing in a bad way, and I still want to see so many places. So it could also become some city in South America. Maybe it will be a country such as Curacao or Suriname.
4. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten while traveling?
I have eaten so many strange things during my travels. Read my article on this here. If I have to pick one thing, I think it will be Balut in the Philippines. For everyone who wonders what Balut is, you can read it in my previous article as well.

5. What is your favorite travel-related book or movie?
The latest film that I have watched was Lion. That movie even made me cry in the cinema and it brought up so many memories about my travel life. However I also have to mention the movie Into the Wild here. The ultimate movie about survival.
6. Trains, planes, RVs or sailing boats?
Trains for sure. The comfort of travelling on the train, able to see the landscape passing by is unforgivable. Planes are fast but so much hassle with security. Sailing boats are cool, but if you are on open ocean it gets slowly boring and with RV’s I am always the person that needs to drive which means I need to focus on the road instead.
7. What is one off the beaten path location that you recommend for me to visit?
Looking at your blog, you are a city type of person. Especially someone that likes to travel to cities in Europe and the USA. In this case I would recommend you to go to London but then don’t visit the standard tourist attractions. Go for House of Minalima if you are Harry Potter fan, or go for a walk in Hampstead Heath, pass by Kenwood House and end up at the Hill Garden and Pergola. This last part is rarely visit by tourists and is a nice area where you can take some beautiful photo shoots. I hope to cover this place in the near future as well.

House of Minalima
8. What is your least favorite part of travelling?
The flight, in specific the security check and the waiting time afterwards. When I am in the plane, I sleep and listen to music. Before I am waiting and doing security checks. I don’t like duty free shopping so it is not that I really can entertain myself on the airport.
9. What’s the story behind your blog name?
The name is coming from a friend of mine. I travelled a lot during my study years. A friend of mine created a Facebook page named Svenywhere. The joke was that friends of me created pictures all around the world with me photoshopped into those pictures. When I wanted to start my own blog, I thought let’s take over this page and use it as my blogging account. So all the credits to Thijs Tervoort who created Svenywhere in the first place.
10. What is your favourite social media platform and why?
Facebook. The main reason because of the chatting tool. I mainly use it to keep in touch with my friends all around the world, and Facebook is an easy way to connect with someone and to catch up with them from now and then.
11. What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned from blogging?
My blog is quite recent. But it gives me more information about the technical piece (such as hosting and building your site), but also to get involved in the blogging community. It is fun to get in touch with other bloggers and talk about each other experiences. And I discovered as long as you be yourself in your stories people like to read what is happening with you on the other side of the world. I got some amazing feedback from people from my village that I wasn’t even aware of that they liked to read my stories.
In no particular order, I am nominating the following blogger for the Sunshine Blogger Award:
- Aditi from The Goan Girl Zindagi
- Randi from World and Wild
- Mie from Wanderlust Footprints
- Abi from One Little Backpacker
- Meghan from Expedition Limitless
- Olivia from Olivia Round Town
- Mozek from Trip Blog Post
- Tua from Top 5 Life
- April from Our Traveled Road
- Anna from Anna Love Life
- Joana from Off the Beaten Path Life
Congratulations, my questions for you are:
- What is the most memorable place you have ever visited?
- Which language is the most difficult language so far that you have tried to learn during your travels?
- What is the most amazing experience you had so far during your trips?
- What is the off the beaten path place you would recommend me?
- Is there any place you have visited that you wanted to settle down in and started to continue your life there?
- What is your least favourite part about travelling?
- How did you become addicted to travelling?
- What is the story behind your blog name?
- Did you build the whole site by yourself? And yes, did you struggle with something?
- What are your future plans for your blog?
- For people who never travelled before. Why do you think those people should or shouldn’t start travelling?