4 Tips For Preparing For Your Next Hike
Walking sounds like the easiest exercise in the world, but it’s not as hard as hiking. A walk through the park when you’re taking the dog for their last round is a nice, leisurely thing to do. A hike is a risky adventure that you take for the adrenaline rush, the challenge and the chance […]

Americans and the destruction of food
Before I start my rant over the wrong doing of Americans with the dishes, at least one thing is for sure, you will definitely be full after ordering a main. The portion size in America is HUGE. However they have some misunderstanding of preparing seafood for example. We went to Grand Central Oyster Bar & […]

Why I never want to live in New York
New York, the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps, New Amsterdam and the Capital of the World. Different nicknames for the same city. A city that is loved by millions of tourists around the world, and a lot of friends of mine find this the best city they have ever visited. Unfortunately, I can’t […]

Why do Volunteers Work?
Let’s start honestly. The main reason that I am doing volunteers work is NOT because I want to help other people. Some people say they want to help others and that is THE reason they do volunteers work. Personally this isn’t the case for me. Besides that if you really want to help people, volunteers […]

7 Awesome Wildlife Pictures
I thought I will make a different post this time. Lately I have been playing around with photo editing. Something I never did before. So this time I will show you some of my results of my wildlife pictures shot during my trips in Africa. Vervet Monkey The Vervet Monkey, shot in Tarangiri National Park, […]