How to find a job in a different country
This article is quite related to the article: “How to find housing abroad”. However I must warn you in advance it isn’t easy to find a new job in a new country. This also depends on your experience and on your wishes of course. For me personally the job that I have now in London […]

Get funding for your project!
For my project for my master thesis I went to Ghana. The goal was to make a disabled tricycle manufacturer in Nkoranza independent from funding, and make its business more sustainable. To make this possible I had to find funding for my project and I managed to arrange this funding while I was in Taiwan. Of […]

Where to get the best Italian salami
One of the main countries that produce salami is Italy. And while I have been to Italy before for their rich culture and history, this last trip was more about their delicious food. Especially with salami you can definitely taste the difference between old authentic salami made from the best quality of ingredients and factory […]

Searching abroad for housing
In 2015 I went for my exchange semester to Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan. My original idea was to find a room when I am in the country. However by accident I discovered that you can already find an amazing long-term place to stay from abroad. I will give you some tips how to […]